The use of UDF in sparkSQL

Spark in the use of some of the functions need to customize the method to achieve, this time you can use the UDF function to achieve

Multi-parameter support

UDF does not support the  way to enter multiple parameters, such as String* , but you can use array to solve this problem.
Define the udf method, where the function is to merge multiple fields into one field
 def allInOne (seq: Seq[Any], sep: String) : String = seq.mkString(sep) 
Used in sql
sqlContext.udf.register("allInOne", allInOne _)

val sql =
      |select allInOne(array(col1,col2,col3),",") as col
      |from tableName
 Used in a DataFrame
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{udf,array,lit}
val myFunc = udf(allInOne _)
val cols = array("col1","col2","col3")
val sep = lit(","),sep).alias("col")).show()

Some simple examples

Count the number of statistics

Table structure is as follows, statistics out the number of each person's hobbies
Name Hobbies
Alice               Jogging, coding, cooking
Lina              Travel, dance
Name Hobbies Hobby_num
Alice    Read book, coding, cooking   3
Lina     Travel, dance                               2

2. Blank fill

The table structure is as follows
Null      123456
234234      234234

sqlContext.udf.register("combine", (s1: String,s2: String)=> {if(s1 == null) s2 else s1})
sqlContext.sql("select combine(A,B) as A from table")


3. Type conversion

Type conversion, convert String to Int
 sqlContext.udf.register("str2Int", (s: String) => s.toInt) 
Or use cast directly
 sqlContext.sql("select cast(a AS Int) from table") 

4. Comprehensive use

Raw data, ID (user name), loginIP (account login ip address)
login        IP
alice  ip1
lina             ip2
sven ip3
alice ip1
sven ip2
alice ip4

Calculate which ip users have logged in and count the number of users
ID Ip_list LoginIP_num
Alice Ip1, ip4  2
Lina          Ip2                             1
Sven Ip2, ip3 2

sqlContext.udf.register("list_size", (s: String) => s.split(',').size)
val sql =
    """select ID,ip_list,list_size(ip_list) as loginIP_num
      |from (select ID,concat_ws(',',collect_set(loginIP)) as ip_list from table)


[Spark UDF with varargs] (
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