Use Spark Streaming to detect keywords

SourceSpark sql support multiple data sources, for example, sparkSQL can be derived from multiple data sources: jsonFile, parquetFile, hive, etc., the following is postgresql.

Overview: Spark postgresql jdbc database connection and write operation source code, a detailed record of the operation of the database SparkSQL, through the Java program, in the local development and operation. Overall, Spark builds a database connection, reads data, writes DataFrame data to another database table. With complete project source code ( complete project source code github ).
1. First create a test table in postgreSQL and insert the data. 1.1. Under postgres users in postgreSQL, create products
[Bash shell] plain text view copy code
  CREATE TABLE products (
     Product_no integer,
     Name text,
     Price numeric

1.2. Insert data in products

[Bash shell] plain text view copy code
  INSERT INTO products (product_no, name, price) VALUES
     (1, 'Cheese', 9.99),
     (2, 'Bread', 1.99),
     (3, 'Milk', 2.99) 

View the database write results.

2. Write SPARK program. 2.1. Read Postgresql a table of data for the DataFrame

[Java] plain text view copy code
  Properties connectionProperties = new Properties ();

 / / Increase the database user name (user) password (password), specify the postgresql driver (driver)
 ConnectionProperties.put ("user", "postgres");
 ConnectionProperties.put ("password", "123456");
 ConnectionProperties.put ("driver", "org.postgresql.Driver");

 // SparkJdbc Read Postgresql products table contents Dataset <Row> jdbcDF = ()
         .jdbc ("jdbc: postgresql: // localhost: 5432 / postgres", "products", connectionProperties) .select ("name", "price");

 // show jdbcDF data content (); 

2.2. Write a Postgresql table

[Java] plain text view copy code
  / / JdbcDF new data and write newproducts, append mode is the connection mode, the default is "error" mode.
 JdbcDF.write (). Mode ("append")
         .jdbc ("jdbc: postgresql: // localhost: 5432 / postgres", "newproducts", connectionProperties); 

3. Run the program and view the results

3.1. Run directly in intellij IDEA (Community Edition).

A. Add "-Dspark.master = local" to the VM option in the "Edit Configeration" of the run button

3.2. Run in Terminal.
[Bash shell] plain text view copy code
  /opt/spark-2.1.0-bin-hadoop2.7/bin/spark-submit \
   --class "SparkPostgresqlJdbc" \
   --master local [4] \
   --driver-class-path /home/xiaolei/.m2/repository/org/postgresql/postgresql/9.4.1212/postgresql-9.4.1212.jar \
   Target / SparkPostgresqlJdbc-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar 

Where --driver-class-path specifies the downloaded postgresql JDBC database driver path, and the command is executed in the project's root directory (/ home / xiaolei / Data / GS / Spark / SparkPostgresqlJdbc).
View the data that Spark writes to the database

4. The following is the main source in the project

4.1. Project configuration source pom.xml

[XML] plain text view copy code
  <? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
 <Project xmlns = ""
          Xmlns: xsi = ""
          Xsi: schemaLocation = " [url = http: //] http: //maven.apache .org / xsd / maven-4.0.0.xsd [/ url] ">
     <ModelVersion> 4.0.0 </ modelVersion>

     <GroupId> wangxiaolei </ groupId>
     <ArtifactId> SparkPostgresqlJdbc </ artifactId>
     <Version> 1.0-SNAPSHOT </ version>
         <Dependency> <! - Spark dependency ->
             <GroupId> org.apache.spark </ groupId>
             <ArtifactId> spark-core_2.11 </ artifactId>
             <Version> 2.1.0 </ version>
         </ Dependency>
             <GroupId> org.apache.spark </ groupId>
             <ArtifactId> spark-sql_2.11 </ artifactId>
             <Version> 2.1.0 </ version>
         </ Dependency>
             <GroupId> org.postgresql </ groupId>
             <ArtifactId> postgresql </ artifactId>
             <Version> 9.4.1212 </ version>
         </ Dependency>
     </ Dependencies>
 </ Project> source code
[Java] plain text view copy code
  Import org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset;
 Import org.apache.spark.sql.Row;
 Import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession;

 Import java.util.Properties;

 / **
  * MIT.
  * Author: wangxiaolei (Wang Xiaolei).
  * Date: 17-2-9.
  * Project: SparkPostgresqlJdbc.
  * /
 Public class SparkPostgresqlJdbc {
     Public static void main (String [] args) {

         SparkSession spark = SparkSession
                 .builder ()
                 .appName ("SparkPostgresqlJdbc")
                 .config ("spark.some.config.option", "some-value")
                 .getOrCreate ();
     // start runSparkPostgresqlJdbc program runSparkPostgresqlJdbc (spark);

         Spark.stop ();


     Private static void runSparkPostgresqlJdbc (SparkSession spark) {
         // new a property System.out.println ("make sure the database is already open and create the products table and insert the data");
         Properties connectionProperties = new Properties ();

         / / Increase the database user name (user) password (password), specify the postgresql driver (driver)
         System.out.println ("increase the database user name (user) password (password), specify the postgresql driver (driver)");
         ConnectionProperties.put ("user", "postgres");
         ConnectionProperties.put ("password", "123456");
         ConnectionProperties.put ("driver", "org.postgresql.Driver");

         // SparkJdbc read Postgresql products table content System.out.println ("SparkJdbc read Postgresql products table content");
         Dataset <Row> jdbcDF = ()
                 .jdbc ("jdbc: postgresql: // localhost: 5432 / postgres", "products", connectionProperties) .select ("name", "price");
         // show jdbcDF data content ();

         / / JdbcDF new data and write newproducts, append mode is the connection mode, the default is "error" mode.
         JdbcDF.write (). Mode ("append")
                 .jdbc ("jdbc: postgresql: // localhost: 5432 / postgres", "newproducts", connectionProperties);



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